گروه تورهای نوین برگزار کننده تورهای خارجی و داخلی در 30 استان کشور

آموزش فرمانهای سیستم رزرو بلیت آمادئوس
Singing In and Signing Out ورود و خروج
JI 2345XY/SU-PWD Basic sign-in entry to the first avalilable work area in productive mode
JJ 2345XY/SU-PWD Basic sign-in entry to the first avalilable work area in to practice mode
JI E2345XY/SU-PWD Sign-in to work area E
JI A/B/C2345XY/SU-PWD Sign-in to muliple work areas
JI 1212PS/SU-TRAVEL/JOURNEY Changing password
JI *2345XY/SU-PWD Sign-in to all work areas
JXB Sign-in to another work erea
JB Redisplay the sign-in message
JD Display the status of work areas
JMB Move to a specific work erea
JO Sign-out of the current active work area
JOB/C/D Sign-out of multiple work areas
JO * Sign-out of all work areas
PV Display your own office profile
CP Clear page
A.I.S Amadeus Information System فرمانهای کمکی
GG AIS Main topic list
GG PCA XX Amadeus functions supported by a specific airline
GG AMA IR Amadeus Iran's Information
GG AIR XX Information provided by a specific airline
GG AIR AIS List of airlines having their own AIS pages
GG PCAL AIR List of carriers with origin countries
GG PCAL COU I List of airlines operating in a country starts with letter "I"
GG WEA XXX Weather forecast for a specific city
GG APT XXX Information on a specific airport
GG COU XX Information on a specific country
GG CODE Information on Amadeus input and Output codes
GG STATE List of states per country
GG CMT Information regarding CHECKMYTRIP site
TGAD List of airlinee having internal ticket agreements
MD Move Down
MU Move Up
MT Move Top
MB Move Bottom
MP Redisplay cleared screen
MS102 Move to line no
GP18 Move to page no
MN Move to next day
MY Move to previous day
TIFV Mask for visa information
TIFH Mask for health information
TIFA Mask for visa and health information
TIRV/NAIR/S4-6 Visa information referencing the PNR, Includes specific nationality
TIRCC Health information referencing the PNR
TIRCC/ROM Health and Visa information referencing the PNR, Includes specificnationality
TILCC/IRAN Display country names and codes
TIRGL Display the country names and city list form a city code
TIRGL/SCHS Display member countries from group codes (eg.schengen states)
TIDFT/IR Full TIMATIC information for specific country (Iran)
TIDFT/IR/CS Customs policy in Iran
DAC THR Find location from a code> TEHRAN
DAN TEHRAN Find code for a location > THR
DAN SIN* Code from part of name
DAN PARIS/S Show associated location
DAN PARIS/FR Specify Country
DAN BOSTON/N Display nearest airport
DAN A/USGA Locations start with A in city in a specific state
DC IR Decode a country (IRAN)
DC IRAN Encode the IR
DNS TEXAS Encode a state > TX
DNS TX Decode state > TEXAS
DNS US List of all states for a country
DNA LUFTHANSA Encode a airline> LH
DNA LH Decode an airline code> LUFTHANSA
DNA 220 Decode an airline 3 digit number
DNE AIRBUS Encode an aircraft
DNE AB3 Decode an aircraft type
DNH Hotel
DM THR Minimum Connecting Time
DRTTHRLAX/AEK Elapsed Flying time , Mileage , connect points
Convert Dates and Times تاریخ و ساعت
DD Display current system day/date/time
DD 19JUL07 Day for a specific date
DD 15MAR/-35 Date a number of days earlier
DD 12APR/45 Date a number of days later
DD 12MAR/4APR Days between dates
DD PAR Current time in a city
DD THR/LAX Time difference between two cities
DD PAR1800/NYC Compare times in different cities
DD PAR1800/SFO2230/09APR07 Elapsed journey time
DD THR0235/ANC0800+2 Elapsed journey time
Metric Converttion
DKKM100 Convert 100 Kilometers to Mileage
DKMK150 Convert 150 Miles to Kilometer
DKKP10 Convert 10 Kilogram to Pound
DKPK15 Convert 15 Pounds to Kilogram
Mathematical Conversions
DF 5;6 Add
DF 5*6 Multiply
DF 10/5 Divide
DF 10-5 Subtract
Air چک کردن جا
AN AMSTHR Current date departure , local time
AN 11NOV FRASTR 1430 One way routing , specified date , city pair, and time
AN /11JUL MADNYC Seven day search
AN LH 11JUL MADNYC Carrier-preferred display
AN 11JUL MADCPH* Round trip, returning on the same day
AN 11JUL MADCPH*BCNFRA Round trip routing , specified date
AN TG 5OCT BKKJKT*9OCT HKGSIN Dual city pair display and open jaw
AN /8FEB ANCNOU*//3MAR PPTANC Dual carrier-preferred display
AN 11JUL MADCPH/AIB Dual seven day search
AN 11JULTHRLAX/AIR,KL Availability for specified carrier
AN 11JUL SINFRA/B3 Airline preference (maximum, three)
AN 11JUL LHRBOM/CF Number of seats
AN 11JUL THRSFO/XCDG Specified class (maximum, three)
AN 11UL DXBCAN/XBKKHKG Connecting city (up to two)
AN 11JUL DXBCAN/XBKK Connecting city (up to two)
AN 11JUL DXBCAN/X-BKK Exclude a connecting city (up to two)
AN 11JUL DXBHKG/FN Non-stop flights only
AN 11JUL LHRANC/O Online connections only
1EK23JUL IKADXB For Airlines which offers Direct Access if you book from a normal Amadeus display , the seats are sold in standard access and not guaranteed
DO4 Flight Information
1,2,...,9 Seats Available
0,L Waitlist open
R On Request
C Closed
S Sold Out
X Cancelled


Timetable for One-way routing , specified date,city pair , time
TN 11JUL LHRMAN Timetable for Departures from 0000 for a date in the future
TN LHRMAN 0830 Timetable for current day, specified time
TN LHRMIA Current day , local time
TN MIA Departure city is the same as the office profile , current day
TN 29AUG HOUMEX 1430/WE Flights operating on a specific day of the week
TN 29AUG FRAROM/ALH,AZ Airline preference
TN 11JUL NCEPAR/AYY Include airlines not participating in Amadeus
1EK AN THRMNL Direct access to specific airline's availability
1EK AN22NOV DXBSIN Direct access to specific airline's availability
NM1AMADEUS/TOM MR Creates a single family name
NM2MEYERS/HANS MR/HEIDI MRS Creates more than one passenger with the same family name
NM1BRADLEY/MICHAEL MSTR(CHD/10AUG05) Creates a child single family name
NM2HOBART/JAMES MR/BILL MSTR(CHD/12JUL05) Creates an adult passenger and a child with the same family
NM1BRILL/SUSAN MRS(INF/SARA/10SEP07) Creates an infant associated to an adult with the same family name,includes date of birth
NM1BROCH/R MRS(INFLEE/ANA/12MAY07) Creates an infant associated to an adult with a different family name
NM1NELSON/PAUL MR 1BROCH/LALA MRS Creates a multiple family name element
SS1C3 Short sell segment
SS1MC1 Short sell for a connecting flight in different classes
SS1MCM1 Short sell for a multiple connecting flight in different classes
SS1C1*11 Short sell with the same class , from a dual-city pair availability display
SS1C1*Y11 Short sell with different calsses , from a dual-city pair availability display
SS1F3/PE Short sell waitlist
SSAF551T24NOVTHRCDGPE2 Long sell waitlist
SO LH C FRAMUC Open segment
SO AF C 5AUG CDGNCE Open segment with a date
SI ARNK Arrival unknown segment
SIARNK8MAY Arrival unknown segment with a date
SIKL434S28JUNTHRAMSHK1/05501010 Information segment
SS1K3/PK/AS1234 Short sell passive segment
SSAS110Y15JULSEALAXPK1/AS1234 Long sell passive segment
SS1G2/GK/GBAA2B Short sell ghost segment
SSAA1197G28JANMIAIAHPK1/GBAA2B Long sell passive segment
SS1Y2/HK/GBAA2B Short sell service segment
SSAA1197G28JANMIAIAHHK1/GBAA2B Long sell service segment
HU IR NN1KUL12JUL-13JUL/SI-STPC Hotel auxiliary segment for long connections
HK Holding Confirm
LK Holding Confirm (Direct Access)
HL Listed
LL Waitlist (Non Amadeus Carreir)
HN Need
HS Sold
NN Need
SS Sold
APS-THR 88706601-H Home telephone contact
APS-SYZ 43765490-B Business telephone contact
APS-THR 22711209-A Agency telephone contact
APS-THR 88706606-F Fax number
TKOK Ticket have been issued
TKTL19SEP/1200 Time limit ticketing for a specific date and time
TKXL19SEP/1200 Auto cancellation ticketing fog a specific date and time
TKTR Ticket should be revalidated
FHM257-4409300400/P1/S3-6 Ticket for specific passenger and segment
FHM176-4223600800-01/P2/S4,6-8 Conjunction ticket for specific passenger and segment
FHMINF555-425666777-78/P1/S3-6,8 Conjunction ticket for infant on specific segment
RF PSGR Received from passenger
RFJOHN Received from specific name
ET Ends transaction and files the PNR
ER Ends transaction and redisplay
ETK Ends transaction , changes advice codes and files
ERK End transaction , changes advice codes and redisplay
EF Ends transaction and files for a split PNR
IG Ignores transaction
IR Ignores transaction and redisplays
6/P2 Passenger associates an existing element
8/S3 Segment associates an existing element
OS AF VIP BMW CORP Other service information
OS BA CRCT NM 1 AMADEUS/A MR /P1 Correct name information
SR VGML Special service request (vegetarian meal), no free flow tex
SR SPML-NO BEEF/P1/S4,6 Special service request (Special meal),with free flow text for
specific passenger and segment
RC UNLISTED PHONE PAR 45678904 Confidential remark
OP 22SEP/SEE RMKS Option element specific date
OP 22SEP ,30SEP/SEE RMKS Option element multiple dates
FFD AF-1990901462 Displays the frequently flyer information
FFA AF-1990901462 Creates the name and SSR element
FFA IB-11111111/MRS Creates the name and SSR element adding a title
FFN EK-134098532/P1 Creates a frequently flyer SSR element only for specific passenger
ST Request a non-smoking seat for all segments
ST/P1 Request a seat for a specific passenger for all segments
ST/2A/P1 Request a specific seat number for all segments for specific passenger
ST/2A-D Request a range of seats for all segments
ST/2ABCD Request specific seat numbers for all segment
SX Cancels all seat elements
SX/S2,3 Cancels seat elements for specific segmenets
SMLH6001/H/19AUGTHRFRA Requests a seat map
SMRG810/C/19SEPGIGMIA/V Requests a vertical seat map
SM3 Requests a seat map for specific segment from a retrieved PNR
RTYPLJWS Retrieves by record locator
RT/AMADEUS Retrieves by family name
RT/AMADEUS*A Retrieves by family name with active segments only
RT/B Retrieves PNRs with a specific letter
RT/B*A Retrieves a list of PNRs beginning with a specific letter with active segments only
RTLH601/19JUN-AMADEUS Retrieves by flight ,date and family name
RTTKT/016-12345674890 Retrieves by ticket numbers
RT4 Retrieves using a specific line number from a similar name list
RT0 Redisplay the similar name list
1AZRT YUITRE Retrieve by using derect access
RL Display the other airlines record locator
RLH Display the record locator history
RPP/KL434/14DEC05 Retrieves past date PNR by flight segment
RPP/RLC-YPLJWS/03APR05 Retrieves past date PNR by record locator
RPP/TKT-1764405314320 Retrieves past date PNR by ticket number
RPP/RH Displays history of purged PNR
RPP/TST Displays TST history in a purged PNR
LM/LH601/22JUN Searches PNRs by specific flight and specific date
LM3 From a list ,display a PNR for a passenger from the line number
LM0 Redisplay the list
LM/SKT/EK976/12SEP Combining search codes in one entry, S for SSR element, K for confirmed
segment and T for ticketed segments
LM/S(VGML-CBBG)/EK976/12SEP Search for PNRs for specified SSRs
LMB-A(AF) Search PNRs contain specified airline
LMB-A(AF,LH)/Q27C2 Place the searching PNRs in a specified queue
LMB/PS Display the search status table
LMB/D1 Displaying the name list
LMB/A-C Displaying the search alphabetically
LMB/D2M-P Displaying an alphabetical group list directly from the status table
LMB/X2 Delete a request from the search status table
LMB/XALL Delete all the requests from the search status table
RRN Copies a PNR
RRN/6 Copies a PNR increasing or decreasing the number of booked seats
RRN/CY Copies the PNR and changes the class of service
RRN/P1 Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to a specific
RRN/P1,3 Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to specific
RRN/PX3 Copies the PNR containing all the PNR elements associated to all passengers
except a specific passenger
RRN/S5 Copies the PNR for a specific segment only
RRN/S3-5 Copies the PNR for a range of segments
RRN/SX3 Copies the PNR for all segments except a specific segment
RRP Copies all the passenger data elements
RRP/P2 Copies all the passenger data elements for a specific passenger
RRI Copies only the itinerary elements
RRI/6 Copies only the itinerary elements increasing/decreasing the number of
booked seats
RRI/CY Copies only the itinerary elements changing the class of service
RRI/S5 Copies only the specific itinerary element
RRI/S3-5 Copies a range of itinerary elements
RRI/SX5 Copies all the itinerary elements with the exception of a specific element
WRA/RT Prints a displayed PNR to the office default printer
WRS/RT Prints the first screen of a displayed PNR to the office default printer
WRA/RTYPLWY3 Prints a PNR by record locator to the office default printer
WRS/RTYPLWY3 Prints the first screen of a PNR by record locator to the office default printer
WRA/RH Prints the history of a displayed PNR
WRS/RH Prints the first screen of history from a displayed PNR
WRA/RH/RTYPLWY3 Prints the history of a PNR by record locator
WRS/RH/RTYPLWY3 Prints the first screen of history from a PNR by record locator
XE2 Cancels a PNR elements
XE5,7 Cancels individual PNR elements
XE5-7 Cancels a range of PNR elements
XE3,5,7-9 Cancels individual and a range of PNR elements
1/(CHD/10AUG05) Changes a passenger type
1/(INF/SARA/17MAY070 Adds an infant to the PNR
1/ Deletes a passenger type
5/S Deletes segment association
5/P Deletes passenger association
6/LON567 4589-H Changes a PNR element
XI Cancels entire itinerary
4/2 Increases/decreases number of booked seats
3/HK Changes segment status code
4/RR Reconfirms segment status
RS2,4 Rearranges flight segments
DL7 Deletes segment with inactive status code
SBY Changes booking class of all segment
SBC2 Changes booking class on specific segments
SBC2,5 Changes the booking class on individual segments
SBY3-6 Changes the booking class on a range of segments
SBY2/C4/M5 Changes the booking class on various segments
SB19JUN Changes the date on all segment
SB18AUG4 Changes the date on a specific segment
SB14MAY2,4 Changes the dates on individual segments
SB18MAY3-5 Changes the date on a range of segments
SB3AUG2/4AUG3 Changes the dates on various segments
SBY10JUN Changes the booking date and class on all segments
SBF19DEC4 Changes the booking class and date for specific segment
SP3 Splits a specific name from a retrieved PNR
SP1,3,5 Splits individual names from a retrieved PNR
SP3-6 Splits a range of names from a retrieved PNR
SP1,2,5-8 Splits individual and range of names from a retrieved PNR
EF Ends and files a split PNR
RH Display PNR history from a retrieved PNR
RHS4 Display the history for a specific itinerary segment
RH/ALL Merge the queue history with the PNR history from a retrieved PNR
DE CC AX371449635311004/1208/EUR1237/AF Get an approval code without a PNR
IEP-EML-emma@raco.com Emailing an itinerary
QT Display the total active queue
QTQ Display a summary queue count
QS8C1D4 Start specific queue, category and date range
QD Ignore a PNR/MSG and place it at the bottom of the queue
QN Remove PNR/MSG from queue and display next PNR/MSG
QU Redisplay a queue message
QD1300 Delay a PNR to a specific time
QD20DEC Delay a PNR to a specific date
QD20DEC/1300 Delay a PNR to a specific date and time
QD23MAY/UTC Delay a PNR to a specific date with the Unable To Contact remark appended
QD100/LMCB Delay a PNR to a specific time with the Left Message Call Back remark
QD23MAY/1600/UTC Delay a PNR to a specific date and time with the unable to contact remark
QI Ignore rurrent PNR, Place it at the bottom of the queue mode
QF EOT, remove PNR/MSG from queue, exit queue mode
QE97/Office ID/97C1D3 Message Text// Place message on queue
QR8C0D1 Remove all PNRs from specific queue, category and date range
QCT Display a summary planner for time dererred, ticketing, delay, and option PNRs
QCTT Display a summary planner for Ticketing
QCTD Display a summary planner for Delay
QCTO Display a summary planner for Option
QCD Display a summary planner for date deferred, ticketing, delay, and option PNRs
QCDT Display a summary planner for Ticketing
QCDD Display a summary planner for delay
QCDO Display a summary planner for option
QCM Queue count for half-month summary
QCMD Delay
QCMT Ticketing
QCMO Option
QWMT/25JUN Copies PNR s for a specific date, ticketing planner
QWMT/25JUN/8 Copies PNR S for a specific date and to a specific queue,ticketing planner
QWMT/25JUN/8C3 Copies PNR s for a specific date , and to a specific queue and category ,
ticketing planner
QWMT/ALL Copies all futurd PNRs, ticketing planner
QWMO/25JUN Copies PNR s for a specific date , option planner
QWMO/25JUN/8 Copies PNR s for a specific date and to a specific queue, option planner
QWMO/25JUN/8C3 Copies PNR s for a specific date and to a specific queue and category ,
option number
QWMO/ALL Copies al future PNRs , option planner